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The Practitioner Playbook is a monthly digest covering the latest news for professional services providers across the legal and conveyancing industries. Each edition, we feature leading industry practitioners who share advice and stories cultivated throughout the course of their career. We share our latest product updates and give you access to our newest webinars.

With every new edition, you receive fresh insights into industry news covering changes to legislation, new technologies, security & efficiency tips, and professional development webinars. All this, direct to your inbox on the first Wednesday morning of each month. Subscribe today to receive a personalised copy. If you have any questions about The Practitioner Playbook or would like to contribute an article, send us an email at practitionerplaybook@infotrack.com.au. Our Editor will provide editorial deadlines and guidelines.

Edition 83

  • Featured Insights: Bradley & Bray: a local firm that exemplifies success
  • How data-driven insights can enhance your client relationships
  • Innovating your VOI process with InfoTrackID
  • Embracing change: ARNECC interoperability mandate for 2025
  • Complimentary CPD Webinars

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